9 Ways To Help Thicken Up Your Thinning Hair

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Because we’d do anything for a fuller, OMG-worthy hair toss.

By Susan Brickell

August 12, 2019

While all the women in my family are lucky to have beautifully thick heads of hair, I’ve been stuck with baby-fine strands for my 31 years of life. Seriously, what gives, universe? Having fine, and even thinning, hair is not something I would wish on even my most envied hair enemy (looking at you, Blake Lively). Wearing it straight or curly can appear as though I’m balding in spots, and ponytails and braids just look so sad. Why even bother?

According to dermatologists and hair experts, genetics can play a large role in having fine hair, but there are other reasons that can cause hair to thin out, including not incorporating enough protein into your diet. “Protein helps the body to produce keratin, which is vital to the hair structure,” says New York City dermatologist Debra Jaliman, MD. While nutrition is an important factor in hair growth, your locks could also be thinning due to pregnancy, having a baby, thyroid disease, autoimmune disorders, and even the flu, adds Dr. Jaliman.

When I was younger (read: to this day), my mother swore that cutting my hair short would make it grow out fuller. I posed this question to experts, and they said she wasn’t completely off base. Cutting hair short can give it the appearance of being thicker and healthier, but your hair won’t magically have a growth spurt. For fine-haired people, longer locks tend to look stringy, which is why a medium cut, lob, or bob may serve them better, giving the illusion of fuller hair.

Below, we asked dermatologists and professional hair stylists for their favorite products for fine and thinning hair. Whether you’re looking for an affordable at-home option like shampoo, or are open to a more drastic treatment, we’ve got the expert scoop on how to build up to bigger hair.

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