Holy Basil (Tulsi)


Ayurvedic Herb: Holy Basil 

Rasa (Taste Energy): Pungent

Virya (Action) : Heating

Dosha (Constitution):  Decreases Vata and Kapha energy, increases Pitta. Due to the heating nature of this herb, those with excess Pitta should consume it in small amounts.

1. Fights Acne

Tulsi kills bacteria and infections, therefore it’s a great natural home remedy for acne and other skin irritations. Holy basil benefits the skin and heals skin infections both internally and externally — and it’s completely safe!

The primary compound of holy basil oil is eugenol, the active ingredient in the powerful antimicrobial clove oil, which is widely believed to help combat many skin disorders. Research shows that tulsi is a natural acne treatment, and when used with coconut oil as a carrier, it’s more viscous and absorbs into the skin even better.

2. Protects Against Diabetes 

Tulsi has the ability to control blood glucose levels; several test tube and animal experiments, as well as human clinical trials, show that Tulsi has anti-diabetic activity. Studies using diabetic laboratory animals show that Tulsi can reduce blood glucose, correct abnormal lipid profiles and protect the liver and kidneys from the metabolic damage caused by high glucose levels. (2)

3. Helps Fight Cancer 

In general, Tulsi may not only work as a natural cancer treatment, but it may also help prevent it. Research shows that people who regularly consume tulsi are less likely to be immune-compromised and less susceptible to developing cancer cells. According to research, the phytochemicals in tulsi prevent chemical-induced lung, liver, oral and skin cancers because they increase antioxidant activity, alter healthy gene expressions, induce cancer cell death, prevent blood vessel growth contributing to cell growth and stop metastasis, which is the spread of cancer from one organ to another. (3)

Tulsi also helps protect your body from radiation poisoning and heals damage from radiation treatment. It selectively protects the normal tissues against the destructive effects of radiation. Laboratory studies published in Alternative Medicine Review show that tulsi protects against toxic chemical-induced injury by increasing the body’s levels of antioxidant molecules, such as glutathione, and enhancing the activity of antioxidant enzymes. These enzymes protect cellular organelles and membranes by fighting free radical damage caused by a lack of oxygen and other toxic agents. (4).

In fact, the journal Nutrition and Cancer published an interesting review outlining the important research involving tulsi’s ability to help fight against cancer that we’ve seen the past several years. The doctors involved in this research agree that conventional chemotherapy and radiotherapy treatments during the past three decades haven’t been able to contain the disease, and they have serious side effects. Many natural agents, especially tulsi leaves and extracts from other plants, prove to be nontoxic, easily available and have proven anti-cancer properties. (5).

4. Balances Hormones 

Elevated cortisol levels can be dangerous; it’s commonly known as the stress hormone, and it can have a major impact on our learning, memory, immune function, bone density, weight gain and heart disease. Luckily, Tulsi has the amazing ability to regulate cortisol levels and keep hormone levels balanced naturally. Tulsi has a physical effect on the body and mental benefits as well. By drinking tulsi tea or adding tulsi to your meals, you help calm your system and keep your body running smoothly.

5. Relieves Fever 

Tulsi leaves act as antibiotic, germicidal and disinfectant agents; they protect us from bacteria and viruses. When we have a fever, it’s proof that our bodies are fighting against an infection. Therefore, with its infection-fighting properties, tulsi helps fight a fever and restores your health quickly.

6. Helps Improve Respiratory Disorders

Tulsi is generally effective in helping to alleviate almost all varieties of respiratory disorders, including working as a bronchitis natural remedy as well as a deep cough remedy for coughs that usually come on with another type of upper respiratory infection, such as the cold or flu. The components of tulsi leaves like camphene, eugenol and cineole provide relief from congestion and other symptoms of respiratory disorders. This means tulsi has also been used as an asthma natural remedy, as it relieves congestion and allows for easier breathing.

7. Good Source of Vitamin K 

Vitamin K is an essential fat-soluble vitamin that plays an important role in bone health and heart health. It’s one of the main vitamins involved in bone mineralization and blood clotting, but also helps maintain brain function, a healthy metabolism, and cellular health. One cup of tulsi leaves has more than your daily recommended value of vitamin K, making it a perfect source to prevent vitamin K deficiency, and can be beneficial to your bone density, digestive health, and brain function.

8. Dental Care

Tulsi has the power to fight bacteria in your mouth that lead to dental issues, such as cavities, plaque, tartar and bad breath. Tulsi leaves serve as a mouth freshener because they kill the bacteria and germs hiding in your mouth.

Tulsi can help diminish ulcers in the mouth, and it’s generally thought to stop the growth of oral cancer cells caused by chewing tobacco. For this natural dental care, try adding a drop of Tulsi essential oil to your toothpaste or drinking one cup of tulsi tea every day.

9. Relieves Headaches 

Because tulsi has sedative and disinfectant properties, it’s a natural headache remedy that can help relieve migraine pain. This is especially true with headaches due to sinus pressure. Tulsi is anti-congestive and helps reduce the buildup and tension due to sinus issues. An easy way to take advantage of this tulsi benefit is by drinking one cup of tulsi tea every day — or by diffusing tulsi essential oil.

10. Supports Eye Health

Our eyes are susceptible to viral, bacterial and fungal infections that can be very dangerous. Thankfully, holy basil has the power to fight these detrimental infections. Tulsi can help fight against conjunctivitis (pink eye) and boils; it also has anti-inflammatory and soothing properties that help protect your eyes from environmental damage and free radicals.

Tulsi leaves help to prevent a range of eye issues, including cataracts, vision defects, and opthalmia. Tulsi has also been used as a glaucoma natural treatment and natural treatment for macular degeneration. Glaucoma, for instance, is caused by a buildup of fluid in the eye that puts pressure on the optic nerve, retina, and lens; the pressure can permanently damage the eye if not treated. Macular degeneration, another major vision inhibitor, is age-associated vision loss and blurry vision related to damage to the macula, or center of the eye.